One thing that we like doing as a company is trying to fill a gap in the market where we see one is appearing. For instance, Glock slides were super crazy expensive for a long time because the demand was so high and everyone was building or replacing their factory one. So we had some super affordable and quality slides made to bridge that gap between junk and crazy expensive. Same thing with out AimSurplus Drop in trigger. Most good AR triggers were coming in at about $150+ and anything under that was basically Mil-Spec. We made a reliable, crisp and affordable trigger that forced the market to adapt and it sure did. Now you can find plenty of good triggers under that price, but still not many beating our price on our SSTAT.

Now let’s switch your attention to why we are here. Sig Sauer Sights! We noticed that simple sights were the same way in the industry. You could either pay for some cheap plastic sights that were nothing special or you could pay over 100 bucks for a set of sights that probably didn’t need to cost that much. First we released our Glock sights that were a nice steel set with both suppressor height and standard and a couple different variations. We now just recently released our Sig Sauer P320 Sights that are going to fill the void for them.

These are the same build quality and materials that the market has come to know and love from our Glock sights. We are offering Fiber Optic first because of the popularity surrounding them. We have both Suppressor Height and Standard Height available. They ship with green fiber optic rods to begin with, but can easily be swapped over to the red or yellow rod if you prefer. Our Glock versions of these have been insanely popular and with all of the P320 parts coming readily available and the building world for the P320 exploding we expect these to be pretty popular as well! Check out our website, order a pair of these sights and see for yourself why they are so popular!