Set your Sights on Sig!

One thing that we like doing as a company is trying to fill a gap in the market where we see one is appearing. For instance, Glock slides were super crazy expensive for a long time because the demand was so high and everyone was building or replacing their factory one. So we had some super affordable and quality slides made to bridge that gap between junk and crazy expensive. Same thing with out AimSurplus Drop in trigger. Most good AR triggers were coming in at about $150+ and anything under that was basically Mil-Spec. We made a reliable, crisp and affordable trigger that forced the market to adapt and it sure did. Now you can find plenty of good triggers under that price, but still not many beating our price on our SSTAT.

Now let’s switch your attention to why we are here. Sig Sauer Sights! We noticed that simple sights were the same way in the industry. You could either pay for some cheap plastic sights that were nothing special or you could pay over 100 bucks for a set of sights that probably didn’t need to cost that much. First we released our Glock sights that were a nice steel set with both suppressor height and standard and a couple different variations. We now just recently released our Sig Sauer P320 Sights that are going to fill the void for them.

These are the same build quality and materials that the market has come to know and love from our Glock sights. We are offering Fiber Optic first because of the popularity surrounding them. We have both Suppressor Height and Standard Height available. They ship with green fiber optic rods to begin with, but can easily be swapped over to the red or yellow rod if you prefer. Our Glock versions of these have been insanely popular and with all of the P320 parts coming readily available and the building world for the P320 exploding we expect these to be pretty popular as well! Check out our website, order a pair of these sights and see for yourself why they are so popular!

These mags are MEAN

There are very few products that come out each year that are truly “Innovative” These Mean Arms Endomags, are it. While they did come out a few years ago they are starting to take off again.

I personally found these guys on KickStarter several years ago. When the funding finally happened and they started production I got my first run. They ran super great and I had no problems whatsoever with them. I started working at AIM, the owner saw mine and next thing you know we are carrying and selling them at AIM.

The reason these mags are innovative is because they take a really simple idea and a problem that has been plaguing the gun world, and they solved it. For those of you that do not know. The Endomags are 9mm inserts that fit inside of a Gen2 or Gen3 Magpul 30rd Pmag. That might not make a a lot of sense right off the top of your head. Basically they let you stack 30 rounds of 9mm into a AR magazine, toss a 9mm upper and buffer into your pre existing AR lower and you’re ready to go!

The benefit to these over a regular lower that takes Glock mags is actually more important than you think. When you go and shoot and train, you can use the same mag carriers, chest rigs, and even the same lower you’re familiar with as your standard AR. Which means you’re getting more reps on a cheaper platform and retaining the same muscle memory. Swapping between platforms can be detrimental to muscle memory when the time counts.

The link below is to our IG where we first showed these off and it got a ton of attention! Since their release, Mean has partnered with CMMG to have the mags used in some of their proprietary guns.

Plum full of Mags right now

Some of the most Iconic styles in the AK world include things like the Krink, The under folder stock, a wire stock or even some nice clean wooden furniture. The one thing they all have in common, A Plum AK magazine looks great in it.

There is just something about an old AK mag that looks at home in an AK. Especially when its a plum. I think that a matching plum colored wood Handguard and a triangle stock is the best looking AK setup out there. Especially when you get it on a short barreled Krink…. Oh, you agree with me? Did we just become best friends? Well then do I have a deal for you. We have a whole gaylord full of Plum magazines in the warehouse right now!

These are Rare Plum Color Russian made military AK74 30rd 5.45×39 Rifle Magazines. These are original military magazines complete with arsenal marking, metal lined feed lips, insert and locking tabs, etc. Used but great Condition. Tula Made.  Please note, some mags are more of a blackish tint but plum in the light.

Safety is in the palm of Scott’s hands…?

Our Hand Model Scott…. lol

One of our bestselling AIM products is our V2 Ambi-Safety. The reason our V2 is our bestselling is because we combined features from other expensive safeties and made it super affordable. We like a nice audible click in and out of position, a smooth flip and easy to grip paddles.

They are made from a 7075 and have a Hard coat anodized finish. Each paddle has lightening cuts to give it texture and a nice look. The firing hand side has a shorter lever to not interfere with the trigger finger. With the larger paddle on the opposite side to give your thumb enough surface to easily engage on and off.

Its also able to be set up in 45 degree or a full 90 for those of you that like having that shorter throw. Most safeties with those kind of features are coming in at well over $50. However ours coming in at $20 is a STEAL.

Make your way over to our website and check them out now!

17 Designs won’t Fold on the Competition

17 Designs is a relatively new name in the firearms world. With that being said, they have been designing and manufacturing firearms for a few years now.

They used to and still do a lot of OEM manufacturing for bigger brands and finally just decided to starting branding some of their own stuff. One of the coolest things they make is their IFLR.

This lower is pretty dang cool because it has a folding stock adapter built right into the lower itself. The IFLR stands for “Integrated Folding Lower Receiver” which isn’t being done by well…. anyone but them. Law Tactical is a household name for their folding stock adapters. But you pay a pretty penny for that part. This lower comes in either at the same price or a little bit cheaper (depending on when you find them on sale) than just the folding adapter itself. Not to mention that this is not just a forged lower. Its a billet lower with a decent amount of style. You are basically buying the folding adapter and getting the lower for free in this scenario.

The folding mech appears to be pretty well built. Out of the hundreds we have sold, not a single one has come back. These would be perfect for a backpack gun or a truck gun you need to fit in a specific space. They also are getting ready to make the same lower in a 9mm lower which would be pretty sweet too. So check out our ad on the website for them and then also keep your eyes peeled for that 9mm lower in the near future!

TA Targets at AimSurplus

When we choose to carry a product we typically thing about what that means. Some companies will carry anything they can get their hands on. When it comes to steel targets and the stigma that is around them. We chose to go to the only people we could trust. TA Targets.

Their steel is some of the Loudest, Best quality and Safest steel out there. No gimmicky weak steel shapes or punisher skulls. Just targets that make sense.

TA Targets was born after seeing a serious need in the industry. While steel target manufacturers litter the landscape by the dozens, they realized that there was no other target manufacturer is truly interested in changing culture and creating a community of defenders. The name of the game for many of these companies is making novelty targets as cheap as possible, and the casualty of this mindset is quality and value for customers purchasing these products. When a company’s only interest is making a product as cheap as possible, rather than being a part of a customers journey, is it even possible to offer true Value to that customer? Value goes further than the price point, and it is important that your dollars are invested in a target that will be a part of your story for years to come.

The A-DAP 2.0 target system features an adjustable angle bracket that allows various degrees of forward lean. This lean is steeper and more versatile than their previous generations of A-DAP steel target systems which results in an even more well-rounded system for steel target connoisseurs. This laser cut, precision formed set of brackets allows nearly 45 degrees of lean with our C Zone target system and nearly 40 degrees of lean with the Mini A-DAP system.

Stop into the showroom and see the display steel that we have or browse the website and check out what we can ship ya! Either way, now is a great time to take that money you’re saving not buying ammo, and buy things that will help you train and be more efficient with the few rounds you’re willing to shoot. Safe, Quality and Reactive Steel.

Strike Strikes Back!

Strike Industries is one of the few companies that seems like they are releasing a new product every week. I’m not saying that’s a bad thing at all because they have come out with a ton of innovative and convenient products.

For the longest time Polymer 80 was the only place making 80% Glock frames. They had the market all to themselves. Then came along Strike Industries. The Strike 80 frame not only looks cool, but it offers a different variety that the market has been asking for.

Everyone building a 80% Glock always had the same thing in common, the frame. Your slide could be different or your optic setup or barrel, but the frame was the same. Strike offers that variety and style that takes a gun and makes it just that little bit more different than your buddies gun. The Polymer80 frame was super squared off as well. Had great texture and a nice grip angle. This frame goes even further. It has a more round frame making the edges less box like and the texture on it is superb. The overall look of the frame has more cuts and lines than other frames and just makes it look slick.

So check out the website and grab you one before they disappear! These things sell out ridiculously fast because of the high demand for them. If you see one in stock you better snag it while you can!

Lets celebrate… Zev-uary?

There is no simple way to doubt it. Zev Technologies makes some of hottest firearms on the market.

In the picture above is their OZ9 HyperComp. This is a super cool gun because of the ported island barrel. The reason this is super cool is because of the benefits you get from having it. The ports give you gas pressure up which helps you drive the gun down for continuous strings of fire. The milling in and around the slide help reduce the amount of mass moving back on each shot with loosely translates to less felt recoil. Finally the sight is pinned right into the barrel. So you don’t have to track the sight as much with each shot. Normally the sight is on the slide and moves back and forth with each shot, but with it being pinned on the barrel it moves drastically less!

One of the other Zev guns we have in stock right now is the Octane Micro! This gun is basically a beautiful optic cut, Zev-ified Sig 365. It comes cut for the RMSC pattern of optics, tons of slide serrations for more grip and better ability to press check, and a stippled frame with some cool laser work on it to make it look clean and crisp. One cool thing about both of these guns is the modularity. The OZ9 and the Octane bother have swappable grips, trigger, and slides. They are all easy parts to swap out and move around without any gunsmith knowledge or help needed.

So hop on the website, check out these guns, watch the YouTube videos, literally do whatever. But don’t pass up on these guns because they won’t be around for long. I expect them to sell out very fast!

Yo Gamma Gamma!

If you understood that Title I’m sorry. . . . LOL

Time and time again we get people into the shop who are wanting to replace their old A2 Flash Hider with “Something Better”

Lots of times those customers aren’t quite sure what it is exactly that there looking for. I am a firm believer that a Suppressor is the best muzzle device, but that’s a topic for a different discussion. If you’re not looking to replace your muzzle device with something specific, for a specific reason, Then the Aero VG6 Line of muzzle devices are pretty dang awesome!

The cool thing about the VG6 line is that they have a lot of feature for something as simple as a muzzle device. They have some pretty big ports on the side, they have prongs like a flash hider, and strategically placed compensator holes. Usually a compensator will give you some added back pressure, but with the giant ports it equals out and you lose that extra pressure through there. The side ports help keep the gun from bouncing left or right and attempt to keep you on target for your follow up shop. The tiny bit of extra back pressure you get helps your gun cycle just that little bit better. Pair that with a proper buffer weight and you’ve got yourself a very flat shooting rifle.

One B.A.D. Rifle

One brand that I have been super impressed with over the years has been Battle Arms Development. They make some of the slickest, lightweight and functional parts. They are known for their lightweight receivers and hand guards that come in at the higher end of the price spectrum. However, they are lightweight without being skeletonized and kinda generic looking.

Pictured above is one of our “Learning Center” Guns. It is an entire B.A.D. gun built out of some of the best parts they sell. The coolest part about it, is that it weighs under 5lbs. You get some of the best looking receiver sets in my opinion. The designs on them save weight without sacrificing any function.

They make Triggers, buffer tubes, stocks, grips, safeties and even all the other lower parts that you would need. They all are cool designs

We have a ton of their Complete rifles and pistols in stock right now and they are the perfect blend of quality and price. Right now a lot of brands are upping their prices to match the demand. So an entry level gun is going to cost you anywhere from $600-$800. The Battle Arms WorkHorse series of guns, are going to only run you a few $100 more, but you will get a significant upgrade in fit and finish and overall quality of the rifle here.