Shield Plus Ultra!

Hot new M&P guns have arrived! For the past few years, Higher capacity subcompact guns have been all the rave. You have guns like the Sig 365 and the 365XL that have a 12 or 10rd magazine. Then you have the Glock 43X and 48 that ship with 10rd mags, but have the Shield Arms magazines that allow you to have 15rds!!

While a little late to the game, Smith & Wesson has finally released their offering in the league. Its called the Shield Plus. You’re looking at a slightly larger (thicker) frame which is allowing for wider mags and also allowing for a jump from 7rds to 13rds. Which is a huge upgrade. The Gen 1 and 2 Shields both shipped with 7rd and 8rd mags. Which made it feel a little inadequate compared to the other offerings.

The new Shield Plus ships with 1-10rd magazine and 1-13rd magazine. The old shield mags are not compatible with the new guns and the new mags are not compatible with the old guns. So if you already own a bunch of shield mags and were wanting to upgrade, the mags won’t transfer over unfortunately. I do wish that Smith & Wesson would have shipped with 2-13rd magazines out of the box since that’s one of the biggest selling points to the whole gun. But I guess the 10rd is technically an upgrade as well.

The Shield in the pictures here is the Performance Center, Ported with fiber optic sights. Its part of the “Every Day Carry Kit”. Also included with this version is the M&P Branded knife and flashlight. Basically all the essential pieces you would need for a basic EDC IG picture. lol

We don’t have many of these in stock and because they are brand new items, they will move pretty fast. So if you’re interested keep your eyes peeled and check the website regularly. We have them listed at the time of the posting, but no guarantee as to how long that lasts. Good luck!