This week in the AimSurplus showroom we have P302 guns and parts on sale and on display! Each week we are going to start filling a display with a product or brand that is going to be at a discount we aren’t normally able to offer.
This is a good excuse to stop in before or after work and see what these sales/ sets of products are. If you’re a local customer then its always good to randomly stop in because we always have open box/blemish items that change regularly. We have one-off guns that don’t hit the website or sometimes even just limited small batches of ammo that we save back for the showroom.
Our local customers are who made us what we are today. We are thankful for all of our customers and we are always doing our hardest to offer the best deal and products and service each and every day. Without each one of your support we would not be able to do what we do. Stop in, look around, say hello and enjoy the showroom. Our staff is there for you!