Grey Ghost Precision is a company that we are well aware of. They were one of the first companies to start making replacement Sig P320 slides and they have always had some really cool Glock slides cut in the same fashion. They make a bunch of other cool things like P80 frames and all kinds of smaller parts for the Glock platform.
Grey Ghost partnered with a company a little while ago named Tactical Tailor, which has been a popular name in the Nylon gear world. They are now producing some nylon products under Grey Ghost Gear and they appear to be high-quality items.
We just picked up some of their battle belts. They come in a 2 piece set up the same way a lot of the bigger name brands do their belts. You wear the regular belt strapped into your pants and it has velcro on the outside. You take the outer belt and you kit it up with your holster, medical, dump pouch, magazine holsters, whatever you think you need on your battle belt. Then, when you wanna go shoot, you don’t have to thread everything through loops or spend time getting geared up, you just wrap the outer belt around the inner and there’s a Cobra-style belt buckle to tighten it down and help hold everything in place.
This is a common way to set up your gear and a battle belt can be found on many people that just want to get good with their gear. You don’t have to be active military or be a veteran to wear kit and train with it. It is your responsibility as a gun owner and a U.S. Citizen to be proficient with your own safety. Lots of battle belts and gear can run into several hundred dollars. The great thing about this GGG belt is that it’s ready to go for whatever gear you have and it’s coming in under $150.