This week we are having a HUGE sale on some of the most popular AR15s on the market. Since the beginning of the pandemic, AR15s have dried up almost entirely. You couldn’t even find the crazy expensive “Gucci” ones or the “so cheap you might get hurt shooting it” ones either!
So what happens is manufacturers are producing the guns as fast as humanly possible. Then dealers and distributors are literally buying them in bigger quantities hoping to get something besides scraps to make a living off of. For example, if you are a name-brand company and make an AR15, then we probably had thousands of rifles on order from 30 different companies at a time. The biggest downside is the whole increase in prices across the board.
The cost of production went up exponentially around the world. Supply chains were disrupted and products cost more to make. So everything that was starting to show up, was now at a premium. I would say that most guns got a little too expensive for the average Joe that already had a few guns, but the new guys who had nothing were still wiping everything out. NOW FOR THE GOOD NEWS.
We are having possibly the biggest sale on AR15s that we ever have. Anywhere from $300 to $600 off! That’s insane. We have over 20 different rifle styles, in several different calibers, from several different brands. We have Geissele rifles and pistols, Zev Technologies, and even Smith & Wesson. All the popular name brands and at a price that’s hard to beat. There has not been a better time this year, to purchase an AR15. I’ll post some of the sales below for you to check out yourself. Obviously head over to the website to check INV and the price after this post is made. Until next time, stay safe and healthy!