There’s a good chance that you don’t know what the gun pictured above is. If you do know what it is, there’s a good chance you have played the old 007 GoldenEye video game, Rainbow Six 3, or even Call of Duty Black Ops. This is one of the few firearms that up until it rolled into the shop, I had only ever seen in video games. Our friends over at T.Rex Arms actually have one of the only YouTube videos out there going into great detail about what this gun is.

It’s called a Sites Spectre. It is an awesome little “sub-gun” and I’m going to call it that because that’s really what it was designed to be. The ones found not in the country are all mostly full auto guns. The ones stateside that were imported are typically not. Obviously, unless they are dealer samples or converted by an 07/03. There were not very many imported into the USA and the stocks for these things are actually even more valuable since there were even fewer stocks brought in.
This is extremely difficult to find and a rare firearm. I’m going to link the T.Rex arms video here because they go into a lot more detail about the history of the firearm and actually run it a bunch and it’s very entertaining to watch!

The mags are called “coffin” mags because they are well, shaped like a coffin. They are a quad stack and hold 40rds and the bigger version holds 50rds. That’s an insane amount of rounds to have in an SMG and it makes me happy just thinking about a mag dump through it.
If you’re a local customer stop into our showroom and take a look at this cool gun. There aren’t very many places where you can handle one before buying it. There are equally as few places that even have them for sale. We are offering this to our local customers first before it hits the internet. Once it does, it will be gone. So if you are a local, make sure to stop in or you’ll miss your chance to get a cool piece of history while it’s available.