1. What is your prior firearm experience? Beginner
2. What firearm/setup were you shooting? Glock19x w/SRO & Arsenal SLR106 with holosun red dot (5.56 AK)
3. What did you hope to learn going into this class? In general just want to get better
4. What was your biggest takeaway from the class? Still need to work on fundamentals. Then pick a spot on the target and the dot will naturally go there as well as not get sucked into the dot.
5. What area did you improve the most? I had improvements everywhere
6. Is there anything you thought you would learn but did not? No
7. What did you think of Nick’s teaching style? Good, he is down to earth and easily/clearly explains things
8. Are you interested in taking more classes? yes
9. What did you think of the standard runs? I really liked them, the standards covered everything he taught over the weekend.
10. What’s next for you? Hopefully more classes
Matt Fry ladies and gentlemen…. come see Matt at AIM DAY!