This Christmas, get your loved ones something that will only increase in value over the years. Firearms are a great investment and with todays ever changing political climate, never a bad idea. They can be used for their normal purpose. Taken to the range. Shot a bunch and tossed around. All while still holding most of their initial value.
We have tons of items right now in our sale section for the Holidays. With how much the prices all year catching things on sale was pretty difficult. Partially because most places just weren’t running sales. Most things were flying off the shelves as fast as they could be restocked. Either the demand slowed down (which it didn’t) or the production started to catch up (yes), because now we have the ability to have stock of items for once.
If you have a loved one or a friend that has gun parts/ammo on their Christmas list, then now is the time to be shopping. We have several hundred items on sale that would make any firearm enthusiast happy to find them under the tree this year!