Ohio Range Day is a Northern Ohio event that happens every year for the past 4 years. It started out as a group of friends getting together and shooting and training and growing better together. We all know how hard it is to get tot he range with friends when you have to plan around jobs, school, kids, sporting events and angry wives that want you home.

The best thing about ORD is that it entails the best of the best. Each year they grow and expand and get more and more cool things for the attendees. They invite out instructors, vendors, food and about 100 like minded guys and gals in the shooting world to get together and have a weekend of training and networking. Events like this are what help make the gun community stronger. This year you could train with 2 of 4 different instructors, there was night shooting/training and equipment to rent. There was catered food. Live fire demos of guns and products from various vendors. Competitions for giveaways and just overall a ton of fun to be had.

As a vendor, events like this are cool because you get your product, brand, whatever it is you’re trying to sell. Into the hands and in front of the faces of lots of people with various amounts of influence in the gun world. There were people there from all over the country with some large followings and plenty of chances for them to see what you had to offer. You get to hang out and make new industry friends and contacts and get to know guys that you maybe have only ever seen on the internet.

Since the start of ORD, we have seen other states take this concept and start their own versions of it. While we all know the OG one was started in Ohio, I love knowing that lots of more people are getting to experience this event in their own capacities.

If you aren’t near a “range day” of this caliber. It would be super cool and easy to start one of your own in your area. It will take a little bit of work on your end to get the ball rolling. The amount of payoff that you would get would be insane though. The impact an event like this can have is crazy. We had fun and we will continue to go and support this event anyway we can. I’ve tossed in some random pictures of our guys partaking in some of the shooting from this weekend. Have some fun, get out and shoot!