There are very few products that come out each year that are truly “Innovative” These Mean Arms Endomags, are it. While they did come out a few years ago they are starting to take off again.
I personally found these guys on KickStarter several years ago. When the funding finally happened and they started production I got my first run. They ran super great and I had no problems whatsoever with them. I started working at AIM, the owner saw mine and next thing you know we are carrying and selling them at AIM.
The reason these mags are innovative is because they take a really simple idea and a problem that has been plaguing the gun world, and they solved it. For those of you that do not know. The Endomags are 9mm inserts that fit inside of a Gen2 or Gen3 Magpul 30rd Pmag. That might not make a a lot of sense right off the top of your head. Basically they let you stack 30 rounds of 9mm into a AR magazine, toss a 9mm upper and buffer into your pre existing AR lower and you’re ready to go!
The benefit to these over a regular lower that takes Glock mags is actually more important than you think. When you go and shoot and train, you can use the same mag carriers, chest rigs, and even the same lower you’re familiar with as your standard AR. Which means you’re getting more reps on a cheaper platform and retaining the same muscle memory. Swapping between platforms can be detrimental to muscle memory when the time counts.
The link below is to our IG where we first showed these off and it got a ton of attention! Since their release, Mean has partnered with CMMG to have the mags used in some of their proprietary guns.
