I was not lucky enough to go to Shot this year however I did see some really cool items that I am excited for. Here is what I am looking forward to seeing come in
Aero Precisons M4E1 Pro.
The M4E1 Pro lower receiver is the full ambi version of the awesome M4E1. The right-side bolt catch is in a good place and easy to engage. It looks good and it’s Aero quality so I think it will be a hit. I tried to get a good picture of one but nothing official yet and everything I can borrow is not good quality. So screen grabs will do:

Next up, Holosun Iris Laser/Illuminator.
Holosun keeps crushing it and hopefully pushes other brands to lower prices. Their optics in the last 3 years have been fantastic and some of the best in the game. Now their laser stuff is approaching that level. A couple of tweaks here and there and you can have amazing civilian offerings.

Next up is one that’s weird looking but I kinda love it. The Alien Creator from Laugo Arms.
This thing is crazy looking in a good way, it has some really cool features that users requested and a company actually listened!
Decreased grip angle, more towards a 1911 grip. Low profile magazine base pads, an interchangeable top rail so you can compete in carry optics or an iron sight division and you just swap top rails instead of having to unscrew and rezero a bunch. You have a fixed barrel and nonlocking slide for fast cycle time, and super customizable grip panels to really get your custom fit, and then one of the coolest features: the lowest bore axis in the game.

SDS Imports has some cool stuff coming out too, a double stack 1911 and a couple MP5 clones but actually what got my attention is their new shotguns. They are so cool Agency decided to use them as a base for some of their new stuff.

There is so much cool stuff coming out and countless videos from Shot showing all of them but I wanted to just do a quick rundown of some stuff that caught my eye! I cannot wait to see what this year brings.