Every company is always looking for something to take them to the next level, something to set them apart from the competition. We are no different here at AIM, always on the lookout for a way to take things a step further. This is why we went all-in on new software and a virtual shooting range where we will test everything from accessories to ammo in all sorts of scenarios. We can set the machine up to run all sorts of scenarios and environments so we can truly test each product to its max. Here are a couple screenshots of our standard range setting. Where we have a 100-yard range set upon a farm of gravel.

We call it the A.P.R.L.F.O.O.L system which stands for Automatic Product Research and Learning Fast Occular Optical Liason. This is no joke of a setup. The designer of the system April Foolery said ” This is my lives work all rolled up into one cheesy April fools joke” If you are still reading I am sorry. I had to do it, although I would not be mad if we did get a shooting simulator to have fun with. Happy April 1st ya knuckleheads.