There are two births in history that changed the world. The birth of Jesus Christ and the birth of the AK 47. No matter what your opinion is on either of them, they undoubtedly changed the world forever. In the firearm world, the birth of the Kalashnikov rifle is as close as we could come to an immaculate conception. A simple web search revealed there are an estimated 500 million AK variants in use in the world today. It is without a doubt the most infamous and instantly recognizable firearm in history (right up there with the 1911 45 and the M16.) Simply speaking the AK47 as designed is tough as nails, simple, reliable, powerful (ballistically), capable (in every measurable way), accurate enough, and light enough. But is it a budget friendly firearm? Thanks to modern advancements in manufacturing and several new and old manufacturers efforts the answer to this question is an emphatic yes! This is why the AK47 is the fourth topic in our series on 5 Budget Firearms You Should Have.
First, I need to get something out in the open. I have a love hate relationship with the AK platform. I love the many benefits of the rifle, but I hate them in practice. Undoubtedly this could be fixed with training and practice. For me, my big round American hands would rather slam the magazine straight into my AR lower than try to rock it in to an AK receiver. I would also rather rack a charging handle or slap a bolt release on my AR than try to reach under/over to manipulate the charing handle of an AK. I am just not enough of an “operator” yet. I know very experienced shooters who love them and operate them like a boss… so I know it is just me. Despite my personal preference, I would be doing a huge disservice to anyone looking for a budget rifle if I did not recommend the AK 47 platform. No matter how you or I feel about the AK, everyone should own at least one.
I would like to spotlight one great budget AK option of the many we sell. Enter the Inter Ordinance AKM247 rifle. Before you begin throwing your rotten vegetables at me, please let me explain. IO AKs have not had the best overall track record. All that changed when IO decided to step up its game in 2013. They moved to Florida and began manufacturing a 100% American made AK. In the past, American made AKs were not well thought of. They usually consisted of American receivers and barrels mashed together with a mix of surplus parts. The current IO line of AKs is a completely different machine. They developed new manufacturing processes and designs which greatly improved the overall quality of the rifles. Brand new nitrided barrels are head spaced to brand new trunnions and fit perfectly to new receivers using modern CNC equipment and custom made jigs. What does this mean for you and me? The days of crooked barrels, poor rivets, and canted sights are now over thanks to manufacturing advancements and new QC standards. In 2014 our Vice President visited their facility and was very impressed. We have been selling their new 100% American made AKs ever since. Here is what you get for $489.95 with the IO AKM247.

- Quality Mil-spec Receiver
- Adjustable Front & Rear Sights
- Military Finish
- Buffer
- Bolt Hold Open
- 16.25″ Nitrided Barel
- Extended Mag Release
- 30 Round Magazine
- Black Polymer Furniture
- Bayonet Lug
You will be hard pressed to find a better AK for under $500 dollars. Another $30 dollars gets you beautiful wood furniture along with a CNC machined side scope-mount rail on their AKM247C (photo below.)

Their rifles also come with the peace of mind of knowing you bought a completely American made and built rifle! As the customer service manager here at AIM, I personally handle all returns and issues on the products we sell. I can tell you that in the hundreds and hundreds of these rifles we have sold, we have had extremely positive feedback. I can recall just 1 rifle that was returned to us for an actual issue. The customer reported having feeding issues, but it is hard to know if it was the rifle, the mag, or the ammo. Bottom line is you can’t go wrong with this rifle, especially when you consider the price.
IO’s AKM247 & AKM247C are not the only players on the budget AK field. You can also check out the Century Arms RAS-47 and the DDI AK47S. Both of these would also make great options. You can find all of these and more in the New Rifles section of our website. As always, if you have any questions or need help deciding which one to buy feel free to call or email our knowledgeable and helpful sales staff at 1-888-748-5252 or [email protected].
Keep an eye out for our final post in this series on 5 Budge Firearms You Should Have.
Until then…
Be safe, have fun, & shoot more
Daddy Fungus
AIM Customer Service Manager