MrGunsandgear bought one of our Yugoslavian Ceremonial Guard 59/66 SKS Rifles last year when we had them and did a review…….WHY didn’t i keep one for myself!
Sootch reviews the New Magpul Glock mags!
Sootch Tests a Bulgarian Mak!
How easy is it to Clean after corrosive ammo??????
Out friends over at AK Operators Union bring the best AK47 info to YouTube, now they have a video on the best way to clean a AK after shooting corrosive ammo. You don’t need anything special, just good old H2O. Give it a watch and subscribe!
Cool build video from our friend Sootch!
Cool Review on the CZ999 from Graham Baates
Great Video from Sootch, give him a subscribe
Get 3 Free M&P mags with a new M&P purchase!
New Troy Ak handguards and Sight Rail
Just a quick pic of Bryans 5.45 AK74 with the New Troy Ak handguards and Sight Rail.
Have you tried a VZ2008?
Check out this review on 13Cgunreviews on Youtube!